*I specialize in conservative Christian photography of families, couples and individuals...please see my blog for a reference to my style of photography.
Portraits Is there a certain location you would love to have your family portraits taken at? Let me know! Don't really have a location preference? I am happy to drive to your home or abroad, to perform your photo session. *Please contact me for additional details specific to your photoshoot and pricing.
For your information:
As a rule of thumb, I generally shoot outdoors in the late afternoon or evening because of the nice, soft light from the setting sun. You will receive all of your enhanced, edited photos via email for free, or copied onto a CD for an additional $10. *Also, please let me know ahead of time, how many people you want in the pictures, what color clothes, if the occasion is to be formal or casual, and posing ideas if you care. I would love to know as many details as possible to make the session quicker and easier for you. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!
Birthday Parties Birthdays are really fun, colorful and special! Let me capture those memorable expressions and reactions at your next party! You will receive all of your enhanced, edited photos via email for free, or copied onto a CD for an additional $10. Contact me for details.
Products I also offer product photography for any item(s) you may want to sell. Please contact me for pricing and further details regarding that service. To see examples of the product photography I do, please visit www.reformationfarms.com.
Disclaimer It is your understanding that pictures taken during a session may be utilized on this website. If you are not interested, please let me know prior to our shoot. Thanks!