- Coram Deo - To live one's entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God
Hello, I'm Amber.
I am an experienced photographer, in Rock Spring, Georgia, who enjoys taking photos of family, friends, church gatherings, birthday parties, unique products, breath-taking landscapes, little creatures, pets and beautiful flowers. My first interest in photography was realized when I received a digital, point-and-shoot camera for my 13th birthday... Since then I've upgraded quite a bit, my knowledge has deepened, and my interest has grown to the point where I started my own business. My family and I live on 40 acres where we have a small farm. Each new day is different around here and most days are not boring! The LORD graciously saved me when I was 5, and I am so thankful for everything He has taught me through life experiences, studying the Bible, seeking the LORD daily and praying. My heart's desire is to be used by the LORD in whatever way He wants, and live my life for His glory. He is the Creator of the universe, Author and Finisher of our faith, Almighty Father, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Sovereign LORD, Gracious Redeemer, and All in All. Praise and glory be to Him, and Him alone! Soli Deo Gloria.